Wednesday 15 September 2010


Well done for some excellent presentations. Make sure you upload them to your blog. Take the time to look at each others then write a feedback comment for each other on the blog comment. Its important that you use your blogs in the most interactive way possible.

You all have lots of information and activites to plough through over the next couple of weeks. I would like you to upload your responses to these onto yours blogs in the most user friendly way possible. You can record yourself straight onto the computers in almost a 'video diary', manner, discussing your ideas. Short responses or powerpoints are fine, but the exam board doesn't really want essay type responses. I will be looking at your blogs after every lesson and giving you a grade, -, = or + for the effort and level of response. Remember, sixth formers can have detentions and if there is nothing there you will have one! You are expected at this level to work outside of lesson time as well. I would suggest at least four hours a week.

Look here  for activities to go with your sheets.

Short Films:
Look again at the 'About a Girl' worksheets and work through those for a detailed analysis of a short film.

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