Tuesday 7 June 2011

Question 1b

Coming from a 'critical position'-looking at your work with fresh, critical, reflective eyes. One production that you have prepared in advance ( I suggest your film work)
Analyse the finished text, not the process, that is for question 1a.
You can not hope to achieve well in this if you don't prepare the following before the exam:
1. Analyse your finished text in terms of all five concepts
2. Apply theory to your examples
3. Practice timed essays - would you take your driving test without any driving lessons?

in terms of style, a set of expectations and as content
2 critics from

in terms of structure, cause/effect and time/space
2 critics from
Media Language
what signs, semiotics does you product use? how does your text use the language of the medium
identity, stereotypes and subversions, genre expectations
2 critics from
target, pleasure, reading, fans and active responses
 Read this article first to decide which critic you agree with 2 critics from
Laura Mulvey Richard Dyer (1986) writes about the fandom and the star system and Steve Neale (1983) contradict Mulvey, Jenkins ( hegemony and shared cultural community).
reception theory, Hall: encoding/decoding.

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