Monday 6 June 2011

2 hour exam
Remember, 100 marks available.
Spend 30 mins on the 25 marks Theoretical evaluation questions.
1 hour on the Online age question.
1a: Skills development in terms of one or two of the following using all of your production work as evidence (& anything else you have done)
research and planning- what & where you researched(internet & focus groups) & how you recorded it (blogs using software).
digital technology use- hardware, software & online & how they interlink
post-production- editing, manipulation & using digital tech to achieve this
use of real media conventions-texts you researched & how you appropriated or challenged their conventions.
creativity-where your ideas came from, how they developed maybe because of tech or creativity issues.
write about all of your production work (& anything else you have done)
There will be cross overs across these definitions.
1b: write about just one of your productions in terms of one specified concept
To prepare analyse all of your productions as though it were a real media product & someone else has created it. You may like to help each other and do a textual analysis for each other.
 You should already have this done on your blog. 
Audience-targeting, consumption, reading (eg reception theory Stuart Hall, Chomsky)
Narrative- how stories are told (eg equilibrium theory Todorov
Genre- how do we categorise artefacts (eg click here )
Representation- how demographics are presented back to us, what messages have you implied? (eg feminist theory- young female victim- Linda Williams, Laura Mulvey- the male gaze, Gauntlett)
Media Language- codes and conventions, semiotics and signs ( Roland Barthes)

  1. Tips for Online Age 50 marks (20 explanation, argument & analysis, 20 examples, 10 terminology)
  2. You must include past, present & future of your chosen area.
  3. Use at least two case studies & theory to support your points
  4. Identify what the questions are about & choose the one you are confident with
  5. make a plan- include: media areas, theories, arguments, past, present future.
  6. intro- short and simple
  7. case study 1, past, present, future, theory- do you agree or not?
  8. case study 2 past, present, future, theory- do you agree or not?
  9. conclusion - after every paragraph, think, does this answer the question? Try using the words of the question in your response but particularly in your conclusion to ensure you stay on task

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