Monday 23 May 2011


I came in today but wasn't well enough to stay I'm afraid.

I will try my best to come in tomorrow morning for you. I understand some of you are getting a bit anxious. Please try not to. Everything I have put on the blog is exactly what I would have done with you. We have covered everything on the syllabus and all we are doing now is revision. Fingers crossed I should be fully recovered after half term so I will do some extra revision lessons  for you while you are on study leave. They can be for a whole morning or afternoon as I won't have Year 12 or 11 lessons timetabled.
Keep doing the timed essays, I am marking them as much as I can. The ones I have had from you have been excellent. You are very well prepared and all you need now is to practice writing at speed, including up to date examples and reference to theorists. We have covered enough theorists to support you in your essays.

The big issue that I would have discussed with you today is this one How parliamentary law needs to catch up with online media developments ie the Twitter V super injunctions row.

You should research this issue further and answer the question

'How have online media affected society and the institutions of news provision, music and film'.

Once again, don't panic!! All being well I will see you tomorrow.

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