Wednesday 30 June 2010

What you have to do

Media Studies A2
G324 Advanced Portfolio due in Friday 17th December
Brief 1: Short Film
A 5 minute film & two of the following;
A poster
A radio trailer
Or a film magazine review page.
If you are totally stuck then use this brief:
Produce a short film with the title ‘The Man Next Door’. The film should be designed for digital distribution and should deal with issues pertinent to contemporary British Culture.
Short films are booming because of digital technology. Simon Quy writes that they are ‘Often a laboratory for experimentation and innovation’, rather than a shorter version of a feature film. He goes on, the short film might be considered as the literary equivalent of the poem or short story…..crystaline creations of precise, prismatic intensity, offering the careful refinement of the directors idea, the distilled essences of his/her imagination’.
Emphasis on clear narrative and characterisation, careful construction of mise en scene, tilting and camerawork.

This can also be used for:
Film Studies: FM1 Exploring Film Form
A short film or extract from a longer film with emphasis on visual communication.

Or Brief 2: Film Promotion
A trailer & two of the following;
Homepage for the film
Magazine cover featuring the film.
Produce a viral marketing campaign for  a new film, aiming to attract an audience primarily through social networking sites and you tube. Trailer and website are primary marketing tools. Poster and mag cover the secondary phase adopting mainstream, ‘above and below the line; marketing techniques after the viral campaign has secured media interest.  
Cloverfield campaign (associations with Lost and Alias
Step up from AS You will be expected to consider the decisions and creative process in the Critical Perspectives exam. This will be a ‘synoptic assessment’.  Synoptic means, bringing everything together in an overview.
In terms of Media Language, Genre, Narrative, Representation, Audience
What this means is that by the end you will have produced at least 5 media products, you may have produced other work for an EPQ or your own projects. Eventually you will write about the above terms so bear them in mind whilst keeping your blog.
1.     Focus on creative decisions informed by institutional knowledge.
2.     Focus on creative decisions informed by theoretical understanding.
3.     Evaluate, don’t describe.
4.     Relate your media to ‘real media’ at the micro level (egs of intertextuality).
5.     Deconstruct yourself- mood board
6.     Choose micro examples to relate to macro reflective themes.
7.     You probably followed & challenged conventions, be aware that in the Web 2 world, media literacies are changing.
8.     Include broader media culture- other things you have done.
9.     Use a ‘metadiscourse’- how is making a short film for a level different to one for a competition?
10. Use an academic mode of address & back up your points with quotes.

1.     PLANNING (you should spend most of your time planning & researching)
2.     USE THE BLOG (put everything you look at one it and make it as dynamic and multi layered as possible).
3.     PACE OF THE EDIT (some people have great ideas but if the shots are held too long for no narrative reason it can look amateurish).

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