Monday 15 November 2010


After speaking to the OCR advisor today, they confirmed that there is no specific time for the trailers because in the industry they vary so much. The guideline however, is 1 minute 30 seconds..

Remember, you are not telling the story, you are getting the audience interested & intrigued.

Monday 15th November

You should be editing your footage this week.

Try the 'share' tool in imovie to make a quick version of your rushes to upload to You Tube and embed in your blog. Remember, in your evaluation you need to reflect on, amongst other things, your use of digital technology and your creative development. This will also make it easy to show to your focus group and get some audience feedbacl.

Keep checking the site, 'Get Ahead in OCR Media'  it seems to be updated quite often with questions and tips, from students and examiners.

Friday 12 November 2010

These courses are based in Southend

Very cheap for industry standard courses

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Try out as many different applications as possible

Try Prezi

Google documents to create an online questionnaire, (thanks Alex)

Tuesday 9 November 2010

We looked at the Chief examiners site today

Here is the link for it

Take his advice!
Favourite the site on your blog and yourtoolbar so you don't miss anything!

Exams after Christmas

You will have a mock exam after Christmas. It will be based on the exam you will take in June which will be on the Theoretical Criticism of your productions. To prepare you for this you need to be aware of the issues that could come up and keep a track of your development in terms of the key concepts and your skills and understandings. Use the sheets below to plot your development.

Monday 1 November 2010

Mini deadlines

There will be other blog submissions to upload but for now here is a guide to the speed at which your film should be taking.

Week beginning:
1st Nov: Upload footage
8th Nov: Editing
15th Nov: 1st Rushes completed: show to Focus Group
22nd Nov: Re-edit
29th Nov:  Final edit: show to focus group for audience feedback
6th Dec: Write evaluation
13th Dec: Submit whole project and blog.